- Hits: 441
The Vice Presidents Association was formed in 1963 and we celebrated our 50th anniversary in 2013.
Like the rest of the bowling world, we have seen our membership drop over the years to around 40 at present and we welcome new members to join us.
Membership of the Vice Presidents Association is open to any affiliated member of an outdoor club affiliated to the Oxfordshire Bowling Association, or an indoor club affiliated to the Oxfordshire Indoor Bowling Association. Club Presidency or other office is not a requirement of joining the Vice Presidents Association, neither is age. We welcome bowlers from any age group.
We play matches both outdoor and indoor against other Vice President Associations from neighbouring counties.
All games are played on Sunday afternoons, followed by an after-match meal.
Anyone wishing to join simply needs to complete the application form below and forward it with payment to the Association Treasurer, who upon receipt of the application will forward a fixture list and match request slip for selection.
Members are required to purchase an association tie, plus a match shirt that is part subsidised by the Association.